SUbkit interview
Act on Their Purpose - Perspective Counseling
Subkit ---
What's your business and who are your customers?
I am a licensed psychotherapist and addictions specialist that has ascended to a new version of therapy more recently. I provide therapeutic consultation about the healing journey for those who need to do the work their own way. I had to figure out my way on my own because I was responsible for so much that I already did. I am privileged to be able to help those along their journey to find resolution with their trauma(s) and ascend within their own lives.
Tell us about yourself. For example, what first got you started working on your business, and what motivates you each day to do what you do?
My story is expansive. That’s what happens when you give a therapist some self-exploration time. I am releasing snippets of my book in my blog, which will be a half memoir and half map for the journey. BUT the nutshell version for y’all”::
From an early age, I began to depend on food to soothe my overstimulation from the stress of being raised in a codependent, passive-aggressive, reactive environment. I spent the first third of my life thinking within certain limitations about myself and the world. When I stumbled upon entrepreneurship out of not "fitting in" to the system of working for others, I was so relieved that I could finally take control of my life. I finally had no excuse other than to make it happen. In business, you learn how to fail, and you get better at it each time. I encourage you to start with the failures that gradually expose you to the burn, but some people have to learn their way. Everything is practice; trust the process of practicing your craft, and you will be a sure success.
3. What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?
Taking care of my health. It just so happens that it is my profession but I think a lot of business owners fail to realize that they are their business. If you focus so much on the product, your outcomes will suffer. I am very proud of my journey and the route that I took because I know it is sustainable and progressive in the ways that work best for my happiness.
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?
Courage. I had to spend an immense amount of energy and money (double price tag) to work through a poor relationship with money, ultimately with myself. I had some really unhealthy ways of thinking and needed to do some inside cleanup before I could really focus on having a healthy business. I had to build faith in the process of growth and that is NO easy task. Thankfully I took the time I needed to make it only moderately uncomfortable! Ha!
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?
Write down everything, any way you can. Believe in yourself always and remind yourself to do so. Get perspective from those you choose but trust yourself to make the final decision.